國小狼師性侵女童,被校長、行政人員聯手護航掩蓋,國中教師長期凌虐施暴學生,多次躲過解聘案續執教鞭,各種光怪陸離的「搓案」亂象,活生生在全台校園上演,是誰讓大人得以隻手遮天,對加害者輕懲縱放? 孩子們身處的教育現場,還藏著多少危險黑幕?
The year of 1953 is the Chinese zodiac Snake sign, and based on Chinese Five Elements, it belongs to the water element. Therefore, people born in 1953 Chinese zodiac year are the Water Snake. As Chinese zodiac follows lunar calendar, Chinese year of the Water Snake starts from February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 in Gregorian calendar.
李允呈 狼師